Senin, 18 Juli 2011


By : Subagio,M.Pd
Murgatroyd and Morgan (1994) stated that the focus of quality for customers is what led to the development of the corpus of theory, tools, and its application in the world of management. Bennett et al. (1992) avoids to define and conceptualize Total Quality Management (TQM) TQM theory because none could be considered the only one. because they identify the fundamental principles by combining things that are considered important (key) which should not not (supposedly) in the early development of TQM, such as: (1) the definition of quality refers more to the consumer, not the supplier, (2) consumer is a person obtain a product or service, such as those who are internally and externally associated with the organization and instead just be a "buyer" or "payer", (3) the quality must meet the requirements of the needs, requirements, and standards, (4) the quality achieved by preventing the work does not meet the standard, rather than by tracking failures, but with improved services and products continuously, (5) improving the quality controlled by the senior management level, but all involved in the organization should share responsibility; quality must be built in each process, (6) quality is measured through a statistical process, quality budget is the budget (costs) are not adapted to the demands of the requirements, resulting in "gaps" between the allegations and the delivery of goods, (7) the most powerful tool to ensure quality is the intertwining of cooperation (team) are effective, and (8) education and training is fundamental to a quality organization. In education, improving quality management can be defined as a set of principles and techniques that emphasize that quality improvement must rely on educational institutions to continuously and sustainably enhance organizational capacity and capability to meet the demands and needs of learners and society. In the Quality Improvement Management is contained efforts: (1) controlling the processes that take place in educational institutions / schools both curricular and administrative, (2) involves the process of diagnosis and action to follow up the diagnosis process, and (3) quality improvement should be based upon facts and data, both qualitative and quantitative, (4) quality improvement should be carried out continuously and continuous, (5) quality improvement should be to empower and involve all the elements that exist in educational institutions, and (6) quality improvement has a purpose stated that the school can give satisfaction to the students, parents and the community.
Since the implementation of regional autonomy (autonomy), there are many issues like the meaning of autonomy is less internalized and adopted as the achievement of democracy, independence and empowerment, but more focused on the process of political interaction. His form is the attraction of interest between the central regions ¬, provinsi-kabupaten/kota, and district / city-city districts, both within the executive and legislative branches Law No. 22, 1999, and the RI Law No.25 of 1999 was revised into Law No. 32 of 2004 and Law No. 33 of 2004, both in relation to the Regional Financial Balance between the Central-Region manifest symptoms. This revision will also create new problems because of the socialization too fast and short and unprepared a change of thinking (mindset) to an agreed system of government. Of course, the revision has both positive and negative.
The new problem, namely (1) change the position of district / city of autonomy to parts of the province, (2) changes in parliament of the legislature be an element of local government, (3) the changing role of parliament in the election of regional heads of choice directly into the audience, (4 ) RAPBD Regency / City can be "annulled" the province, (5) changes in village councils of the "parliament of his village" into the Village Consultative Board, (6) changes in 11 matters submitted to the district / city into the business and affairs shall surrender option also must meet certain requirements, and (7) changes in the village secretary position became civil servant positions.
Decentralization has started since January 1, 2001. In line with the reform and democratization of education that is rolling, the government has determined to implement the decentralization of education, which is based on the empowerment of schools at all levels of education.
Goal autonomy in education, among others (1) improve educational services that are closer, faster, easier, cheaper, and according to community needs with emphasis on the principle of democratic and just, not discriminatory to uphold human rights, religious values, cultural values, pluralistic nation (notice the potential of regional diversity and diversity ¬), systemic and multimakna with open systems, (2) acculturation and empowering lifelong learners, (3) provide exemplary, build the will; (4) develop the creativity of learners, (5) develop a culture of reading, writing, arithmetic, and empower the entire community (community participation), (6) equity and fairness, (7) improving the welfare of educators and energy, and education; (8) public accountability; (9) transparency; (10 ) strengthening; integrity of the nation (to maintain harmonious relations between the center and regions and between regions within the framework of the unity of the Republic of Indonesia or NKRI); (11) enhance the competitiveness in the global era. If the goal is achieved then the things that is the positive impact of autonomy on educational inputs.
Insight into the management of quality improvement should be assessed by comparing the characteristics between the traditional management with management of quality improvement or TQM. Cole (in A. Sonhadji, 1999) suggests there are at least ten things that differentiate the two.
Briefly tenth differences can be summarized as follows: (1) how to find problem-solving approach, (2) the method used, (3) the use of innovation, (4) the improvement, (5) long periods of focused, (6) means treat the error, (7) the use of opinion vs. fact, (8) suppression resources, (9) motivation to increase quality, and (10) the direction of development.
In many ways, the traditional management paradigm is often used in making satisfaction. Meanwhile, Quality Improvement Management make use of new innovations in determining his actions. Traditional quality control is more directed at the defensive mechanism, which tends to try to reduce or eliminate the failure detection. This differs from the Quality Improvement Management (MPM) is always advancing the methodology of quality control and develop new theories and techniques to improve quality.
It is understandable if the Quality Improvement Management using a model of strategic planning in formulating his strategy, because the Quality Improvement Management -oriented long-term strategy. This model is specifically referred to the strategic quality planning (strategic quality planning). Strategic planning has a role simulation and stimulation. Strategic planning includes stimulation of the desired future and at the same stimulation also is responsible for the executive to implement the plan that has been effective.
Traditional management approaches tend to use inspection of the errors that occurred, then attempted to make corrections. This, in contrast with Quality Improvement Management who seek to prevent errors and achieve a certain quality level, from planning to implementation on a continuous basis.

Management quality improvement requires the integration of the various factors that need to be integrated. Factor is the client (customer), leadership, teams, processes, and structures.
Customers or clients. In Quality Improvement Management customer or client organization is a person or group that receives a product or service. Thus, clients are not externally to the organization but are at each stage which requires completion of a product or service delivery. This illustrates that there is a link from the client, the association along with the process. Quality management requires the organization to undertake the excavation by asking or listening, which is certainly appropriate to the client. In this case the necessary feedback that is sure to ensure that services are done rightly. Matters covered in the MPM to the customer is the organization's values, vision, and mission needs to be communicated, which is done by observing ethics in decision making and budget planning.
Leadership. If moral integrity is fundamental for the Quality Improvement Management , the leadership is a way to do it. Leadership in the context of Quality Improvement Management is to establish and control the vision. Quality Improvement Management sharply illustrates the difference between the leads, memanaj, and administer. Sufficient quality of leadership: vision, creativity, sensitivity, empowerment (empowerment), change management. Leader in the MPM is essentially concerned with values and people, set direction and allow people to achieve the targets, which relate to the ¬-case macro and micro. Issues in education is the extent to which leadership and administrative management are distinguished dad.
Tim. A team is a quality group. Almost all the literature emphasizes the importance of clarity of purpose and effective interpersonal relationships as the basis of effective teamwork. Both in theory and practice of the team is seen as fundamental to quality management within the organization.
Process. Key importance in quality management is to establish the components work processes. Basically, once the client sets out the terms agreed upon, then the important thing to do is to establish processes and procedures that ensure compliance with the requirements.
Structure. Organizations that try to introduce the Quality Improvement Management without reviewing its structure may be facing failure. Some organizations have a structure that focuses on clients tend to rely on formal hierarchy as well as limit the practical work-focused. For example: the organization as a whole has a "proximity" with clients, suppliers speak directly with clients.
Quality Improvement Management is effective should also pay attention to some of the things that affect the quality proposed by Murgatroyd and Morgan (1994) as the "3 Cs of TQM", namely: culture, commitment, and communication.
Culture referred to here include rules, assumptions, ¬ assumptions, and values that bind together in the organization. Quality Improvement Management The success of an organization determined how organizations create a culture, such as: (a) the innovation is considered high-value, (b) secondary status, which necessitated the performance and contribution, (c) leadership is a key to the activity / action, not position, ( d) reward divided evenly through teamwork, (e) the development, learning and training is seen as a means of supporting, and (f) empowerment to achieve challenging goals supported by ongoing development and success should be a climate to motivate yourself.
The success of an organization's Quality Improvement Management should bear a sense of pride and opportunity to grow for the people in them (staff and clients) so that they feel as the owner (ownership) embodiment of shared organizational purposes and among all employees. Commitment also means to bear the consequences of involvement in the achievement of objectives, the work requires a systematic, forward the information regarding the opportunities for innovation and development. Its normative commitment.
Communication among team members has the power, although a simple but effective. Communication should be based on pure fact and understanding, rather than assuming moreover the nature of humor. Communication has a free flow within the organization.

Government Regulation Number 25 Year 2000 on the Provincial Authority as an autonomous region indicate the existence of rights and authority of central government to set national policy on planning that guide or reference for the education in the province, district / city as an autonomous region. In order to standardize it, then Minister of Education issued Decree No. 053/U/2001 April 19, 2001 on guidelines for preparation of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) Elementary and Secondary Education.
The contents of MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) is MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) Guidelines for Implementation of kindergarten, elementary, junior high school. SMA, SMK, and SLB as follows. (1). Basic law (2). Objectives of the school (3). Competency standards (4). Curriculum (5). Learners (6). Workforce (7). Facilities and infrastructure (8). Organizations (9). Financing (10). Management (11). Public participation

Junior High School administration guidelines contain.
1. Introduction (background, objectives, approach, and scope).
2. School organization (structure, functions and duties, the mechanism of labor relations, and workflow).
3. Administration of the school (meaning, purpose, and scope).
4. Administrative components (curriculum, student affairs, staff, facilities, correspondence and archives, and community participation.

Decree of the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia Number 129a/U/2004 About Minimum Service Standard (MSS) Education,

(1) Education SPM Junior High School (SMP) / junior secondary school (MTs) consists of: (a). 90 percent of children in the age group 13-15 years in junior high school / MT. (B). Figures Out of School (APS) does not exceed 1 percent of the number of students who go to school. (C). 90 percent of schools have the facilities and infrastructure in accordance with minimum technical standards that are set nationally. (D). 80 percent of schools have non-teacher education personnel to carry out administrative duties and non-teaching and other activities. (E). 90 percent of the required number of junior high school teachers be fulfilled. (F). 90 percent of teachers SMP / MTs have the qualifications, in accordance with nationally established competence. (G). 100 percent of students have textbooks and complete each subject. (H). Number of students SMP / MTs per class of 30-40 students. (I). 90 percent of students taking the test sample of the national quality standard of education reached a value of "satisfactory" in Indonesian Language, English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies in class I and II. (J). 70 percent of graduates SMP / MTs go on to high school (SMA) / Madrasah Aliyah (MA) / Vocational School (SMK).

Minimum Service Standards (MSS) Primary Education
Kemdiknas publish Permendiknas number 15 of 2010 on Minimum Service Standards, or SPM basic education.
Kemdiknas has issued new regulations that Permendiknas number 15 of 2010 on Minimum Service Standards, or SPM basic education. By karen's Directorate Mandikdasmen socialization Standard Minimum Basic Education services in Jakarta. SPM Basic Education aims to increase educational quality and equity of SD / MI and SMP / MTs.
SPM basic education can be interpreted as the provisions concerning the amount and quality of educational services held by the district / city for elementary and junior high and Religious Affairs for MI and MTs directly or indirectly through the schools and madrasah.
SPM is expected to narrow the gap of quality education that the future is also expected to have implications for the socio-economic gap shrinks.
SPM entered into force in 2011 with the stage of rehabilitation of infrastructure facilities and training of school teachers and educators. It is expected that within three years or by 2013 all primary school / MI and SMP / MTs already implement SPM.
Minimum standard of basic education services hereinafter referred to as SPM Basic Education is the performance benchmarks of basic education services through formal education that was held by the District / City. Minimum Service Standards (MSS) Education is a provision about the number and quality of educational services held by the Government of Regency / Municipality, the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Office of the District / Municipality directly or indirectly through the schools and madrasah. Application of SPM is intended to ensure that in every school and madrasah met the minimum conditions needed to ensure adequate implementation of the learning process.
SPM-service Education services include:
* Which is the direct responsibility of the Government of Regency / City of the basic tasks and functions of educational services to school or department office for religious madrasas (eg: the provision of classrooms and provision of teachers who meet the qualification requirements and competencies);
* Which is an indirect responsibility County Government / City c / q Offices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs - because the service provided by the schools and madrasas, teachers and education personnel, with support provided by the District / City Government and the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (example: preparation of lesson plans and evaluation of student learning outcomes in schools, carried out by teachers but supervised by the District / City Government).
MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) Education stated explicitly and in detail the various responsibilities of County Government / City c / q by the Offices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in carrying out educational services.
MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) Education stated explicitly and in detail the various things that should be provided and performed by the education office, school / madrasah to ensure that learning can work well.
MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) states clearly and unequivocally to the community about the level of education they can get from the school / madrasah in their respective regions.
SPM does not stand alone, but is a step towards achieving the National Education Standards (SNP).
With the enactment of the Basic Education Sector MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) , each region needs to better plan programs / activities to achieve the SPM. To measure the extent to which the performance of education has reached the MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) or not the education department need to do a mapping of service performance of local education / depag and schools (SD / MI and SMP / MTs). From mapping the known performance of which has not been reached where the performance of MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) and MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) that has been reached.
Based on data already collected, agencies need to analyze the educational attainment of each of the indicators listed in the minimum service standards (MSS) in education. The results of SPM analysis of the achievement conditions used as inputs in formulating policies, programs, activities and funding as well as develop a strategic plan documents the achievement of the MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) .
Thus in developing a plan to improve the quality of education of each district / city governments need to consider the condition of attainment of MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) in each area. Each year the program needs to be implemented until the achievement of MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) MSS actually achieved. Implementation and achievements of the program is also monitored and evaluated so that the known indicator of anything that has not been achieved, and what are the estimated costs necessary to achieve the MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) . So expect all the districts / cities have reached the MINIMUM STANDARD SERVICE (MSS) in 2014.

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