Minggu, 19 Juni 2011


By: Subagio, M. Pd

In general, society is increasingly rising awareness that there are no teachers, no education, and no process to be diligent. Within this framework the presence of the teacher as the main agents of education and learning process is increasingly recognized in the course of the history of human civilization.
Teacher's work product becomes a symbol of the progress of civilization. They are professional educators with the primary task of educating, teaching, guiding, mengarahakan, train, assess, and evaluate students on formal education. The main task will be effective if the teacher has a certain degree of professionalism which is reflected in the competencies, skills, abilities, or skills that meet quality standards or a specific ethical norms.
In the Government Regulation (PP). 74 Year 2008 on the "Guru", the title "teacher" includes: (1) teachers themselves, both classroom teachers, teachers 'fields of study, and teachers or teachers' guidance and career guidance counseling, (2) teachers with additional duties as principal, (3 ) teachers in supervisory positions. They are professionals. Formally, to become professional teachers required to meet minimum academic qualifications and certified educators. Teachers who meet professional criteria is to be able to run the main function effectively and efficiently to achieve national education goals, namely the development potential of learners in order to be a man who is faithful and righteous, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable.
Teachers are required to have professional competence as a learning agent. Question is the competence of pedagogical competence, personality, professional, or academic, and social. Pedagogic and social competence is closely related to how the interaction of teachers and students can be managed so as to create an effective learning process. Included in the sphere of competence is the ability of teachers to implement classroom management that is conducive to improving quality of processes and learning outcomes.
In Webster's dictionary word or educationalist educationist educator means the equivalent in Indonesian is an educator, or specialist education. The word guru (Indonesian language) is the equivalent of the word teacher (English). In Webster's Dictionary, the word teacher means the person WHO teach, ESPECIALLY in school, or teacher is someone who teaches, especially at school. As a comparison of "coverage" as the teacher, in the Philippines, as stated in Republic Act 7784, said teachers (teachers) in the broad sense is all education personnel who conduct the tasks of learning in the classroom for several subjects, including vocational or art paktik on elementary and secondary education (elementary and secondary level). The term also covers teachers of individuals who engage in guidance and counseling, supervision of learning in educational institutions or schools-public and private schools, school technicians, administrative affairs. Teacher education graduates were also significant that has passed the state exams (government examination) to be a teacher, although not actually working as a teacher.
In every process of learning in the classroom, teachers and students are involved in a typical educational process. The interaction of teachers and students is central to the learning process with the content of the curriculum as the focus of the transformation of learning that effective, moderate, or ineffective.
In Act (Act) No.. 14 of 2005 mentioned that teachers are professional educators with the primary task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess, and evaluate students on early childhood education, formal education, primary education and secondary education. For the writer, the task of another teacher who is managing the class.
The word "management" was originally very popular in the world's only commercial business. In the world of education is more in the know the term "administration" Therefore, in the educational institutions are very popular term educational administration, school administration, and administrative class. If judging the work process or organic functions, administration and management of virtually the same.
The term management is well known in modern civilized society, so does the word class. Terminology classroom management (classroom management) built by two words, namely the management (management) and the class in terms of classroom (classroom). In Big Indonesian Dictionary (1995) class is defined as a space where learning in school. Hornby Oxford Advanced Learner's in the Dictionary (1986) defines a class (class) as a group of students taught together or occation Pls this group meets to be taught. Thus, the class is a group of students who study together, or a vehicle when the group was undergoing a process of learning at the place and time formally formatted. Classroom, by Hornby (1986) is defined as a room where a class of pupils or students is taught or space where a group of students studying or undergoing the process of learning. At the level of most ordinary, a class of meaningful "levels" to indicate the status or position of students in certain schools, such as class I, class II, and so on.
Traditionally the management class is defined as any attempt of teachers to maintain classroom discipline or order. This conception is built on the assumption that a disciplined classroom, where students go on time, sit in the appointed place, fully obedient to the teacher, did not look to the left and right are "wild", accept the presence of teachers are obedient, no sound noisy, and others are success factors of learning activities. The pattern of learning management, as is done in an authoritarian, ie, teachers become central to all learning interactions that behavior.
The modern concept of looking at classroom management as the process of organizing all the resources for the creation of classroom learning process effective and efficient. Those resources are organized to solve the various problems that become obstacles learning process, while building a conducive classroom situation continuously. The task of teachers here is to create, improve, and maintain a smart classroom situation. Situation that supports intelligent students can measure, develop, and maintain the stability of abilities, talents, interests, and the energy they have to perform the tasks of education and learning. In more detail, J.M. Cooper (1977) formulated five definitions of classroom management.
1. Classroom management is seen as a process to control or control the behavior of students in the classroom. This definition is colored by the approaches of management that is authoritative, where teachers are doing the main task as the creator and maintainer to keep an orderly classroom atmosphere. Authoritarian approach to classroom management is to make students in the classroom as a measure of success in managing the classroom.
2. Classroom management is an attempt to create an egalitarian spirit of freedom or for students. The conception is built on the assumption that the student is free and there is potential for teachers' duty is to maximize freedom. Initiative teachers naturally creates freedom for their students are legitimate and in line with the basic rules of humanitarian process that in humans there is a natural instinct to not be in a tight bond of life.
3. Classroom management is seen as a process of modifying the behavior of students (srudent behavioral modification). Other words, classroom management is the process of changing the behavior of students, from behavior that had deviations or irregularities to conduct a productive job (on the task behavior), both inside and outside the classroom within the school campus. Changes in student behavior, therefore, intended that their behavior is not expected to be reduced or even abolished.
4. Classroom management is seen as the process of creating a positive atmosphere sosioemosional in the classroom. The basic assumption of this view is the process of learning in the classroom will develop optimally when the positive climate created. Positive climate was created when there is a conducive interpersonal relationships between teachers and students and students with students. Includes a conducive relationship between teachers and school administration. In a broad sense that includes the interaction relationship between the citizens of the school that is conducive to local residents and parents.
5. Classroom management is seen as empowerment (empowering) a social system or a process of student study groups (group processess) as its core. Social system meant to be seen "modest" and could be structured. The word "simple" means that students are in a position and have equal status with his colleagues. This word can also be meaningful in terms of learning, where students have the same rights and opportunities to learn in the classroom by utilizing the potential that exists. The word "structured" implies that the class was class president, class vice president, group students according to the daily picket, and others. Therefore, classroom management can be defined as a set of activities teachers to foster and maintain effective classroom organization.

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