Rabu, 20 Juli 2011


By : Subagio,M.Pd

It can be underlined from the change management education that is the reduction of government's role in school management. Conversely, an increase in the role of schools and the community who believed that schools and society that knows "the weaknesses and strengths" that exists. In conjunction with the role and participation of the community towards improving the quality of education, Ridono Aidad mentions as follows: (1). provide educational assistance through donations of education. (2). awareness about the importance of education, so send their children to control every aspect of educational institutions. (3). Provide education at home as a substitute teacher at the school. (4). Helps teachers monitor student behavior in other environments. (5). Giving positive suggestions and opinions are actively against the existing educational institutions, in order to improve the quality of education the better. (6). Report the circumstances that may inhibit education students to teachers (homeroom) or the principal concerned. (7). Coordinating the parents to jointly think about progress and how best to improve the quality even higher.
As a material that can be considered in conjunction with efforts to increase the quality, we can see prinsif-prinsif W. Edward Deming as where dikutif by Randall S. Schuler in the book "Human Resource Management", as follows: (1). Create consistency and sustainability goals. (2). Do not provide fault tolerance on the type of work that will result in delay, damaged material, or a bad job. (3). Eliminate dependence on inspection massal.4). Reduce the number of suppliers. (5). Do a search problem in the system regularly and do repairs. (6). Institutionalized modern training methods, using statistics. (7). Focus the work of supervision to help employees do a better job. Provide tools and techniques so that employees have a sense of pride in his work. (8). Eliminate anxiety. Two-way communication should be stimulated. (9). Destroy the barriers between departments. Perform problem solving through group work. (10). Eliminate the use of numerical goals, slogans, and posters for employees. (11). Use statistical methods to continue the quality improvement of productivity and eliminate all the standards that use quota amount. (12). Eliminate the barrier so that employees feel proud of the work performed. (13). Institutionalized training and education programs so that employees can continue to follow the development of methods, materials, and the latest technology. (14). Describe a permanent commitment to quality management productivity.
What is implicitly stated Randall is not to solve problems "quality" in education, but on today's success has been the envy of the industry management of the education managers. However, efforts to improve quality, both in industry and in the field of education is not an easy job. To improve quality in education is influenced by many factors, such as the quality of educational inputs, the quality of educational resources, quality teachers and education managers, the quality of the learning process, examination system and quality control, as well as the ability of educational managers to anticipate and deal with various environmental influences education.
Without ignoring the role of other important factors, quality of teachers has been found by various studies as factors that are most consistent and powerful in influencing the quality of education. ¬ ¬ Even one of the points of the Special Intergovernmental Conference on the status of teachers diselenggerakan by UNESCO / ILO in 1966 in Paris says that:
"It must be admitted that progress in education and largely dependent on the authority and ability of staff education in general and to the technical and human paedagogis quality of the teachers one by one."
The phrase we often hear that "teachers are the backbone of the nation and state" or information that has not known the original source on Japan after the two cities (Hirosyima and Nagasaki) Atom was bombed by the allies in 1945. It is said that first asked by the Emperor is the number of teachers who are still alive, not the number of generals or the other. Here suggests that teachers occupy an important place and honorable.
Qualified teachers are those who are able membelajarkan pupils effectively, in accordance with the constraints, resources, and environment. On the other hand, efforts to produce quality teachers is also not an easy task. Teacher quality also means teachers are able to create graduates who are qualified, according to the need for a variety of channels, types and levels of education. On the other hand, the quality of teachers is closely related to public recognition of the status of teachers as professional office. In conjunction with this, D. Sudjana S. stated that the teaching profession should have three competencies, namely personal competence, professional competence, and social competence.
Personal competence, including psychological maturity, dedication, idealism, willingness to help others, respect for others, exemplary, honesty, sincere, open and not rigid. Professional competence, includes the abilities and special powers in the material and the learning process; have extensive insight to understand the various materials and processes related to learning abilities and special powers possessed; develop themselves to become a specialist in the material and the learning process; gain recognition from the public the service, and have a professional network of other parties. Social competence, ... have the attitude of community service; understand prinsif-prinsif as an assistant, researcher and developer community, and participating in social activities or community development.
The attitude of doubt towards the quality of the teaching profession today are often thrown in the community, is a result of the preparation of teachers is inadequate. Many parties expressed that the quality of the teaching profession tends to not be based on the concept of a clear and consistent in order to obtain a special recognition from the community. To answer these challenges, the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) in the congress to XIII in Jakarta has produced an important decision for image enhancement and quality of teachers, the "Master Code". Teachers Code of Ethics is a basic guideline for teachers in implementing the tasks profession. Description of Teacher Code of Ethics as follows: (1). Teachers serve to guide learners to form a complete Indonesian man who spirited Pancasila. (2). Teachers have and implement professional kejujuruan. (3). The teacher tried to obtain information about the learner as a conduct guidance and coaching. (4). Teachers create the best atmosphere of the school that support successful teaching and learning process. (5). Teachers maintain good relationships with parents surrounding communities to foster participation and a sense of shared responsibility for education. (6). Teachers individually and jointly, develop and improve the quality of the dignity of his profession. (7). Teachers maintain relations profession, the spirit of kinship, and social solidarity. (8). Teachers jointly maintain and improve the quality of PGRI organizations as a means of struggle and dedication. (9). Teachers implement all Government policies in education.
From experience so far in improving teachers' ability to obtain the conclusion that qualified teachers are those who have professional skills with a variety of capacities as an educator. In the study found that teacher quality is measured by four main factors, namely: (1) professional ability, (2) professional effort, (3) the time devoted to professional activities, and (4) match between skills and jobs.
The four main factors as a measure of teacher quality, Wardiman Djoyonegoro described as follows:
Professional ability of teachers consists of the ability of intelligence, attitudes, and achievements in the work. In various studies, teachers' professional skills demonstrated by the high-low test scores that measure the ability to master the material taught. Simply put, the ability of these professionals can be readily demonstrated by the ability of teachers to master the knowledge of material taught, including efforts to always enrich and rejuvenate knowledge.
Professional efforts of teachers is an attempt to transform the ability of a teacher who possesses the professionalism in teaching and learning process. In some studies, the professional efforts of teachers is demonstrated by the good teaching skills in mastering the subject matter expertise, use of instructional materials, management of student learning activities, and efforts to constantly enrich and rejuvenate the ability to develop a teaching program.
Time devoted to professional activities (Teacher's Time) shows the intensity of time used by a teacher to his professional duties. Teacher's time is one important indicator of teacher quality, as indicated by the concept of learning time (Time on Task) is measured from the intensity of individual student learning. Time on task has been found by various studies consistently as the best predictor of quality learning outcomes for learners.
Conformity with the work of professional expertise is a factor that affects the ability of a teacher professional. This factor is important in accordance with the principle of equivalence relation and that should be a challenge for LPTKs to always associate with the needs of teacher education, both in terms of quantity and quality.
In relation to issues raised as research material, namely the problems associated with elements of school personnel, namely teachers. Teachers as educational staff in charge of organizing teaching activities, training, researching, developing, managing, and or provide technical services in the field of education. Teachers should effectively provide encouragement and support information search supporting the thesis of global morality. Studying information by teachers, is meant not merely the provision of instructional materials to meet the emotional needs and students' awareness, but also shape attitudes and influence behavior independent lives and their school discipline.
The teacher is an important and influential element in the process of education and teaching. Teachers is an important power that should not be, no. The good Bagaiamanapun other elements, but if not supported by elements of the exercise of professional teacher education programs will not run properly. The key to successful implementation of educational programs and teaching is largely determined by the teachers who perform in a professional learning process.
Teachers who have high professionalism will be reflected in mental attitude sarta commitment to the realization and improvement of professional quality through various means and strategies. Teachers will always develop themselves in accordance with the demands of the times so that its existence continues to provide professional meaning.
The word "profession" in the Big Indonesian Dictionary given the meaning "which is based on field work keakhlian education (skills, vocational, etc..) Specific." Professionalism is a term that refers to the mental attitude in the form of commitment from the members of a profession to continually create and improve professional. Mohammad Surya said that as an indicator or characteristic of professionalism is:
First, he has always aspired to be or are performing close to the ideal standard. ... Second, always trying to improve themselves through learning experiences, ... Third, a teacher who berprofesionalisme high it means he has a professional pride. He has pride in the roles of the past, dedicated to the present, and convinced of the roles in the future.
Professional attitudes and behaviors of teachers will color forms of learning that occurs. Teachers as a direct duty bearers meet with students to guide the learning activities of students, and should be able to create a learning atmosphere that encourages students to learn well.
The attitude of teachers in the learning process tends to affect the behavior of teachers in teaching, whereas teachers in teaching behavior will affect students in learning. Teacher's behavior will affect the behavior of students. Students continually reacts to the attitudes, values and personality of the teacher. When the negative attitudes of teachers towards teaching, teachers tend to perform teaching duties to be modest and not serious. This will influence the atmosphere of student learning in the classroom. Students quickly lose their motivation to learn. As a result, student learning outcomes to be unsatisfactory. As with the state of a positive attitude in the learning process, teachers will tend to perform teaching duties properly in accordance with the duties and responsibilities assigned. Impact is very positive for the learning situation so that students are expected to be positive impact on learning results.
Teacher-student relationship is inevitable from the teaching activities. Both are in one situation and the same conditions with the aim of changing the (teacher) and change (students). Between teachers and students must occur in harmony and harmonious interactive. From the standpoint of teachers, as subject to carry out teaching, Winarno Surakhmad concluded there are three phases of the implementation of teaching, namely:
The first phase is the preliminary actions, such as measures to eliminate the negative influence ... The second phase centered on the actual teaching process. To prevent the occurrence of a mechanical process, in this phase teachers should be alert to factors that require special attention, both from the students and from the outsiders. Attention should be focused on teachers as well as a variety of things, both about domination and control in the classroom, as well as about himself. At one point a particular interaction process is nearing completion; at this time the teacher enters the third phase.
Government efforts in improving the professionalism of teachers has been done through various ways, such as upgrading, upgrading, workshop, Conference Guru Subjects (MGMP), and so forth, but the quality of learning outcomes masaih be a problem. One reason could be is because of the attitude of teachers in the learning process that has not shown a positive attitude. These circumstances it should not be allowed to drag on, and should be immediately sought a way out so that the process of achieving educational goals can be implemented optimally.
Attitudes of teachers toward the implementation of professional tasks in the activity of teaching can be influenced by many factors, both factors from within and outside factors. External factors that can influence and shape the attitudes of teachers in the learning process, such as how teachers' perceptions of school leadership and how perceptions of working conditions of teachers to the places he served. Both elements are likely to have a major impact on the execution of professional duties in learning activities because the headmaster is the head of the school and the immediate supervisor emergency teachers. Similarly, working conditions, likely to affect the execution of professional duties in learning activities because the work environment is where teachers work daily.
This is what encouraged to do the assessment with the hope of knowledge about it can encourage the creation of positive attitudes of teachers towards the learning process. Thus the expected positive attitudes of teachers terhadp learning process can also encourage the creation of climate of educational processes and teaching in the classroom that can memperlacar achievement of expected goals, the output quality.

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